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Networking Event

    Networking Event

    BAHRA Networking at Skinners!

    Skinner's Pub Patio
    Free (cash bar)
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    September 26, 2019 - 5:00pm

    This event is open to all HR and HR-adjacent professionals. If you are in HR, handle HR type issues at your current place of employment, are a supervisor, trainer, safety specialist or work with people, you should join us to meet BAHRA members and Board Members to learn about the Brookings Area Human Resources Association and how we can help you or get you involved in resources that are geared toward HR professionals.

    We will provide light appetizers, cash bar available.

    DisruptHR Brookings

    Club 71
    Dana J Dykhouse Stadium
    SDSU campus
    1396 Stadium Road
    Brookings, SD 57006
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    July 25, 2019 - 4:00pm


    Every once in a while, an event series is born that shakes things up, makes you think differently, and leaves you inspired. That event is DisruptHR.

    BAHRA End of Year Social

    Wooden Legs
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    November 14, 2018 - 5:30pm

    Join us for our annual Social Hour! Network with other area HR professionals, learn what BAHRA and SoDAK SHRM have planned for 2019, give some input into events.

    Meal: Wooden Legs pizza buffet

    RSVP by 11/13

    DisruptHR Brookings

    Club 71, Dana J Dykhouse Stadium
    $18 BAHRA member; $20 early bird; $25 after July1st
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    July 25, 2018 - 4:30pm

    Every once in a while, an event series is born that shakes things up, makes you think differently, and leaves you inspired. That event is DisruptHR. Engaging speakers, 5 minutes each, and 20 slides rotating every 15 seconds. Teach us something, but make it quick. DisruptHR is an event that allows speakers to share ideas on how we can move our thinking forward. Check out highlights from 2017.