BAHRA 2019 HR Certification Prep Class
Brookings Area Human Resources Association is proud to present a 2019 HR Certification course!
Check out the new SD SHRM Council Website!
We are so excited to be able to offer an HR Certification Prep Course! Our course will be lead by Patty Romsdahl and Wendy Dailey.
MHSL is offering its 12-week, online Human Resources Compliance Certificate Program for human resources generalists and compliance specialists.
The Helpline Center is the Volunteer Center for Brookings.
Every once in a while, an event series is born that shakes things up, makes you think differently, and leaves you inspired. That event is DisruptHR.
DistruptHR is coming back Sioux Falls April 19, 2018!
Mark your calendar & watch their site for updates!
Punch Cards are for sale throughout the year!
Are you tired of the same old approach to Human Resources? Are you ready to start talking about talent in a whole new way? DisruptHR is for you!