About Us
The Brookings Area Human Resource Association (BAHRA) is the joining of the business community in the City of Brookings and the surrounding area, for the purpose of helping its members become more effective on-the-job in the Human Resource field.
We invite all business professionals to join us. As an owner, manager, supervisor, or administrator, your role is vitally important to your business and employees. Membership in BAHRA provides you with an opportunity to network with others in the business community in similar situations while focusing on situations related to Human Resources.
We meet once a month, bring in speakers, and join with others who can share common interests, questions, and ideas.
Click here for the BAHRA Chapter Bylaws.
Click here for the 2020 Tax Form 990.
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Brookings Area Human Resource Association to:
- join the work force entities in the City of Brookings and its surrounding areas to enable members to gain access to quality educational experiences by engaging the membership in programs and discussions of issues pertaining to the human resource field, thus enabling each member to become more effective in the human resource field;
- provide a forum for area human resource and business professionals to network, exchanging ideas pertaining to human resource management within our business community;
- act as an effective liaison with the South Dakota State Council and the National SHRM programs and activities; and
- expand the influence of human resource professionals among the business community, the general public, and the State of South Dakota.
Code of Ethics
As a member of the Society for Human Resource Management, I pledge myself to:
- Maintain the highest standards of professional and personal conduct.
- Strive for personal growth in the field of human resource management.
- Encourage my employer to make the fair and equitable treatment of all employees a primary concern.
- Strive to make my employer profitable both in monetary terms and through the support and encouragement of effective employment practices.
- Improve public understanding of the role of human resource management.
- Uphold all laws and regulations relating to my employer's activities.
- Support the Society's goals and objectives for developing the human resource management profession.
- Instill in the employees and the public a sense of confidence about the conduct and intentions of my employer.
- Maintain loyalty to my employer and pursue its objectives in ways that are consistent with the public interest.
- Refrain from using my official positions, either regular or volunteer, to secure special privilege, gain or benefit for myself.
- Maintain the confidentiality of privileged information.
This Code of Ethics for members of the Society for Human Resource Management has been adopted to promote and maintain the highest standards of personal conduct and professional standards among its members. By joining the Society, a member espouses this Code, thereby assuring the public confidence in the integrity and service of human resource management professionals.